TRISIK BEACH Enjoy the rural, coastal atmosphere

TRISIK BEACH Enjoy the rural, coastal atmosphere – Trisik Beach offers a beautiful and simple coastal village atmosphere. You can enjoy the view of the fishing beach and watch the activities of coastal residents, from fishing to drying plants for craft raw materials.

Trisik Beach is the first beach in Kulon Progo Regency that you will find if you drive along the Bantul – Purworejo route, passing Palbapang and Srandakan. Located in the Brosot area, Kulon Progo Regency, about 37 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta city. Trisik Beach is located very close to the main road so it is very easy to reach using private vehicles.

The trip to Trisik Beach will be enjoyable and not too tiring even though the distance is quite far. The road to this beach is very smooth and has minimal inclines, there are also food stalls on either side of the road which can be a place to rest if you are tired. Passing the Palbapang and Srandakan routes, you will also be able to enjoy views of the Progo River when crossing the bridge connecting Bantul Regency and Kulon Progo Regency.

Trisik Beach is unique compared to other beaches in Kulon Progo, namely the coastal village atmosphere that is felt. The beach, residents’ houses, huts selling food and the road connecting the village to the city are located close to each other. Various activities of local residents who use coastal and marine areas as a source of livelihood also strengthen the atmosphere of the coastal village.

The fish auction place is one of the places you will find when entering this coastal area. This place is the heart of Trisik residents who work as fishermen, because that is where fish buying and selling activities take place. Usually, this place is busy from the moment the fishermen finish fishing. When YogYES visited, it looked like a fisherman was transporting the stingrays he had caught.

The exoticism of coastal villages with the world of fishing as a daily activity will be found as soon as you arrive at the beach. Rows of motorboats that residents usually use to search can be found. Not far from him, there were several nets scattered around showing that they had just been used. A small number of residents opened stalls from the gedheg for visiting tourists, selling simple drinks.

At certain times, you can see various types of birds competing in the sky on this beach. It is believed that Trisik Beach is a stopover for migratory birds from various regions. Types of migratory birds that can be seen include the swamp trinil, beach trinil, bush trinil, red-necked sandpiper, ruffed plover, little necklaced plover and Asian kite. Meanwhile, there are also non-migratory birds such as buffalo egrets, cow swallows and blue shrimp.

If you walk west following the asphalt road towards Glagah Beach, you will find other activities of the residents of the coastal village of Trisik. On either side of the road, you can find villagers taking advantage of the hot sun in the coastal area to dry the water hyacinth obtained by residents from the Ambarawa area. When YogYES visited in the afternoon, they were collecting dried water hyacinth and dividing it into several bunches.

The dried water hyacinth is given to the craftsmen to make bags, sandals and various boxes. Craft products are usually distributed to cities or deposited with craft entrepreneurs in various regions for further processing. Craftsmen in the city usually carry out the finishing process by adding various accessories to beautify it. Even though it is on a small scale, the activity of drying water hyacinth is able to provide a livelihood for residents.

With such a strong coastal village feel, Trisik Beach is definitely worth including on your tourist agenda. Not many beaches have a beautiful and simple feel like Trisik Beach.

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