Holbung Hill, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Samosir – Holbung Hill is one of the hidden but amazing natural tourist destinations in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Located in Dolok Raja Village, Harian District, Samosir Regency, this hill offers spectacular views, fresh air and enchanting natural scenery for visitors. For detikers who want healing with beautiful natural views and pocket-friendly costs, Holbung Hill …

10 Tourist Attractions in Banda Naira, a Combination of Beauty

Indonesia has long been famous for its beauty and various historical places. One of the tourist areas in Eastern Indonesia is the Banda Islands. There are various tourist attractions in Banda Naira that you can enjoy their beauty and also contain high historical value. No one can resist the charm of Banda Neira. Its natural …

Raja Ampat: Surga Kehidupan Nyata Di Bumi

Sekilas pikiran menerawang dan sebuah lukisan elok pun muncul terbayang. Lautan lepas dengan pulau-pulau karang yang tersusun rapih menyambut beberapa ekor lumba-lumba yang berloncatan ceria. Langit yang biru berpadu dengan indahnya riak ombak menyisir setiap pasir putih di tepian pantai. Udara segar bertiup riuh rendah menjamin kesejukan alami khas hutan-hutan tropis yang hijau. Suara burung-burung …

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Komodo National Park

For those of you who are confused about where to go on holiday, Komodo Island is a recommended tourist destination in Indonesia. Here are 10 reasons why you should visit Komodo Island Indonesia :  You can get a closer look at Komodo dragons in their natural habitat If usually Pesona Friends can only see Komodo …

Wakatobi National Park

Wakatobi National Park is a nature conservation center in Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Wakatobi National Park was formed through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number 7661/KPTS-II/2002 which was signed on 19 August 2002. The land area of ​​this national park reaches 1.39 million hectares, and in it there are 25 clusters of …

Lau Kawar Lake, Beautiful Charm Near the Peak of Mount Sinabung

Jakarta – North Sumatra offers truly beautiful natural beauty. The charm of the lake is an attraction that attracts tourists. One of the lakes in North Sumatra is Lau Kawar. Even though it is not as popular as Lake Toba, its charm is no less interesting Attraction of Lake Lau Kawar Lau Kawar Lake has …

The Beauty of Balekambang Beach: A Hidden Paradise on the Southern Coast of Malang

The Beauty of Balekambang Beach: A Hidden Paradise on the Southern Coast of Malang

The Beauty of Balekambang Beach Balekambang Beach is one of the hidden gems on the southern coast of Malang, East Java. Known for its stunning natural beauty, this beach offers views that rival those of other famous beaches in Indonesia. Balekambang Beach features a wide expanse of white sand, clear seawater, and three small islands …

Enjoying Hidden Paradise at Sipelot Beach Malang

Enjoying Hidden Paradise at Sipelot Beach Malang

Enjoying Hidden Paradise at Sipelot Beach Malang – Blessed with a long coastline, Malang hasdozens of beacheswhich stretches to the south. Of the dozens of beaches, many of them are still unfamiliar to people’s ears. One of themSipelot BeachThis. Have you ever heard the name of this beach, Amazing People ? Being in a village …