The Charm of Bagedur Lebaran Beach: Entrance Fee, Facilities, and Visitor Experience

The Charm of Bagedur Lebaran Beach: Entrance Fee, Facilities, and Visitor Experience – PR  TANGERANG KOTA –  Bagedur Beach in Malingping District, Lebak Regency, Banten, became the spotlight on the second day of Eid al-Fitr with the arrival of thousands of tourists. With a length of more than 1 kilometer and a width of about 50 meters, this beach offers the charm of stunning natural tourism with dense and fine sand, suitable for two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

According to Mumu Mahmudin, the manager of Bagedur Beach tourism, the estimated arrival of visitors reached thousands of people on the second day of Eid, with the majority coming from Jabodetabek. “Currently, around 7000 tourists are enjoying their holidays here, including local residents and from other areas,” said Mumu Mahmudin on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Affordable entrance fees are an attraction for tourists who want to visit  Bagedur Beach , with an entrance fee of only Rp10,000 for adults and free for children. “The entrance ticket for  Bagedur Beach Tourism is relatively affordable, so that all groups can enjoy the beauty of this beach,” said Mumu Mahmudin.

Visitors can also enjoy various facilities such as gazebos and boats provided at Bagedur Beach. In addition, the beach management works together with related agencies to maintain the cleanliness and security of the tourist location, providing a comfortable and safe visiting experience for visitors.

“We from Balawista and a combination of other organizations, the TNI and Polri, Basarnas, and Polairud together to secure visitors so that they feel comfortable and calm when visiting  Bagedur Beach ,” he said.

Bagedur Beach Visitor Experience

Faisal, a visitor from  Tangerang , expressed his joy at being able to enjoy the natural beauty that is still preserved at Bagedur Beach. He was fascinated by the natural beauty that is still preserved in that place. The fine sand and calm sea add to the charm of this beach, giving a peaceful impression and inviting to linger to enjoy the beautiful moments on the beach.

In addition to enjoying the natural beauty, Faisal was also impressed by the crowds at Bagedur Beach. The bustling atmosphere with visitors from various regions gave a unique color to his holiday experience. Meeting new people, sharing stories, and feeling the joy together made Faisal’s visit even more memorable.

The facilities provided at  Bagedur Beach are also one of the things that make Faisal feel at home there. From comfortable gazebos to boats that can be used to explore the beach, all provide convenience and excitement in enjoying a vacation at  Bagedur Beach .

Finally, Faisal hopes that the management will continue to improve the facilities and services at Bagedur Beach. This will make visitors feel more at home and increase the appeal of this tourist destination in the future. With an impressive experience at Bagedur Beach, Faisal plans to visit this place again and enjoy the natural charm that is still natural and charming.

“I am very happy with the crowd here. Hopefully the facilities will continue to be improved so that visitors will be more comfortable visiting  Bagedur Beach ,” he said.***

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