Want to travel to Karimunjawa, check packages & prices here

Want to travel to Karimunjawa, check packages & prices here – Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Karimunjawa, a tourist destination in Central Java, offers unrivaled natural beauty. With stunning white sandy beaches, clear sea water and enchanting underwater life, Karimunjawa is a paradise for nature tourism enthusiasts and beach lovers.
Karimunjawa is known for its charming natural charm. The islands scattered around Karimunjawa offer enchanting views, such as Tanjung Gelam Beach which is famous for its fine white sand and clear sea water. Apart from that, Menjangan Kecil Island offers an extraordinary underwater panorama with beautiful coral reefs and diverse marine life.

Nowadays, social media is a source of inspiration for many people. The Instagram account karimuntravel.co is an account that can provide insight into the beauty of Karimunjawa. With interesting and seductive photos, this account shows the natural wonders of Karimunjawa, from stunning beaches to exciting activities such as snorkeling and watching the sunset.

Not only Instagram, Karimun Travel is also present on TikTok with the account karimuntravel.co. Through creative short videos, you can explore the beauty of Karimunjawa with one swipe on the TikTok application. Find interesting information, travel tips and beautiful moments captured in entertaining short videos.

For those who want to visit Karimunjawa on a limited budget, Karimun Travel offers a Start Tour package with prices starting from 185K. At these prices, you can enjoy a pleasant holiday experience without having to worry about exorbitant budgets. This package includes transportation, accommodation, food and other facilities you need during your trip.

For those of you who want to spend more time in Karimunjawa, karimuntravel.co provides a 2 day 1 night tour package. At a price of Rp. 610,000, you will get a complete and unforgettable holiday experience. This package includes ferry tickets, accommodation, food, tour guide, documentation, as well as snorkeling and shuttle facilities. With this package, you can explore interesting places in Karimunjawa in more depth.

As departure points, karimuntravel.co has determined two meeting points, namely Kartini Jepara Harbor (via Bahari Express and KMP Singinjai) and Tanjung Mas Harbor (via Pelni). With departures available every day, you can choose a time that suits your schedule. This provides flexibility in planning your trip to Karimunjawa.

One of the advantages of karimuntravel.co is that there is no minimum tour participant. You can depart according to the available schedule without having to wait for the number of participants to reach the minimum limit. This gives you the freedom to plan individual vacations without having to be bound by strict rules.

The price of the tour package from Karimun Travel includes all needs during the trip to Karimunjawa Island. You don’t need to worry about additional costs that may arise, because everything is included in the package price. However, please note that admission to the shark sanctuary is not included in the package price.

Before leaving, make sure you bring personal identification such as KTP, SIM, Kitas, or passport. This identity is required for administrative purposes when visiting Karimunjawa. Apart from that, it is also important to comply with health protocols during the tour. By looking after each other and adhering to health protocols, we can enjoy a safe and enjoyable holiday in Karimunjawa.

Karimunjawa is an amazing tourist destination in Central Java, Indonesia. With its enchanting natural beauty, wide white sandy beaches and amazing underwater life, Karimunjawa is a par

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adise for nature tourism fans. With the help of Karimun Travel, you can plan your trip easily and enjoy a comfortable holiday in Karimunjawa. So, don’t miss this opportunity to explore the wonders of Karimunjawa and create unforgettable memories.


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