The beautiful Batu Gambir Hill in PuloMerak, Banten

The beautiful Batu Gambir Hill in PuloMerak, Banten – Who would have thought, there would be a place with really good views in the Cilegon – Merak area. If you think about it, it’s impossible that there are still places in this industrial city that are still beautiful. And I just found out that there is Batu Gambir Hill in Pulomerak Banten.

At first when we came from Bukit Batu Lawang we were confused about where else to go, wanted to go home but it was a shame to just come to one location? So, finally, try asking one of the residents, where is there a good place or one that people often visit? They were told, “Sir, just try going up, there will be a big rock there.” Oh Batu Lawang Hill, huh ma’am? I just came from there ma’am, I answered. Oh, go there again bro, there will be a name called Batu Gambir, just keep going straight, answered his mother.

Wow, think twice if you have to climb again. Wow, I’m sorry I dropped it, even though I just had to continue. Uphill, no, uphill, no? If you go uphill, you have to overcome the steep incline. Then try asking again, “Ma’am, is there another way besides this way? Because I’m afraid my motorbike won’t be able to climb uphill.” Wow, it’s a long way, bro, if you go the other way, you have to turn around, it’s better to just go this way and keep going uphill, said his mother.

Yes, never mind, Bismillah, I hope the motorbike can still climb. Finally, the choice is to continue to Batu Gambir Hill by walking uphill through Batu Lawang Hill. Because of necessity, if there is another road that is not uphill and close, it is better to just choose another road. But luckily my motorbike was still strong uphill. Alhamdulillah.

Once you pass the parking lot at Bukit Batu Lawang, go straight and follow the road, but why is it still uphill? Duh, when is the road going down? Never mind the gas. Well, it’s not that far, finally the road starts to get downhill, huh (sighs). It’s really nice that the road has a descent, but it’s still a bit steep even though it’s not as steep as before.

So, after continuing straight, I don’t know where Bukit Batu Gambir is because there is no signal. Wow, this is serious, it’s no wonder that there’s no sound from Google, it turns out there’s no signal. Yes, I’ve tried stopping at the side of the road, but I see there’s a footpath on the left. Finally park the motorbike and try to follow the path.

And the view is really good. Luckily there was a local resident on the phone, I just asked what was the name of this place? And answered “this is Bukit Batu Gambir”. Wow, that’s really fitting, I happen to have a strong feeling, so it’s really fitting to stop at the destination. OK, let’s see what it looks like.

Batu Gambir Hill

Honestly, I’m also curious why it is called Batu Gambir Hill? If it’s a hill, this place is a hilly area. Stone, there really is a big stone like that. Well, for Gambir itself, perhaps this place used to be a land of gambier trees. When I asked, people there didn’t know either, they just answered “it’s always been called Batu Gambir”. That’s all.

But if you look at the shape of the large stones, they are similar to those in Belitung. The only difference is that in Belitung the color of the stones is mostly white, whereas in Gambit Stone the color is black. Whatever the color, it doesn’t matter, what’s important is that you can enjoy the beauty of this place.

Honestly, the first time I stepped on Batu, my view immediately changed completely. I thought the stone was just that big, just like other stones, but this is really big. Wow, you didn’t choose the wrong destination, you were willing to go up and down steep inclines to get here. When else can you see a view like this, right?

Well, there are all the interesting photo spots here, because you can take photos on rocks and bushes. There are weeds too, but when you want to take a photo it’s a bit difficult to position. So just take a photo sitting on a small rock and bushes and save money (oh no, just take a photo).

If you’re not here for long, after enjoying the place, it’s time to move on to another place. Plus I’m afraid of the afternoon too. And in the next place, I’ve known about it for a long time and really want to go there, but the time isn’t right yet. As long as you’re here and it’s not too far, you should hurry over to Pulomerak Banten.

How about it, isn’t the view of Batu Gambir Hill in Pulomerak, Cilegon really nice? It’s pretty good for eliminating fatigue. If you’re stressed, you can scream here, hahaha. Yes, while there is a nice place like this, let’s just enjoy it. That’s right? Come on, let’s explore Banten!.



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