Siung Beach Jogja: History, Attractions, Prices and Routes

Siung Beach Jogja: History, Attractions, Prices and Routes – –  Siung Beach is one of the main tourist attractions in Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (Jogja). Apart from the beautiful views, this beach also has many tourist attractions, such as cliffs for rock climbing and even camping.

Before going here, first read the explanation about Siung Beach in this article. We will discuss the history, attractions, facilities, entrance ticket prices and travel routes.

History of Siung Beach

Reporting from the Gunungkidul Regency Government website, the history of the name Siung Beach is related to the presence of giant rocks around the beach. When viewed from a distance, these coral rocks that jut out into the sea are shaped like monkey teeth or in Javanese are called ‘siung wanara’.

Attraction of Siung Beach

Siung Beach has various attractions. Among them are views that are pleasing to the eye. From the beach, visitors can see the beauty of the sea combined with exotic rocks, cliffs and hills.

The following are several other attractions of Siung Beach as reported on the DIY Provincial Government and Gunungkidul Regency Government websites:

1. Cliffs for Rock Climbing

The cliffs at Siung Beach are very suitable for rock climbing. This place was originally used by someone from Japan to do rock climbing. From there, many nature and extreme sports lovers come to try rock climbing.

Currently, there are many rock climbing routes on Siung Beach with varying levels of difficulty. Siung Beach itself has officially become one of the rock climbing locations in Jogja and received the title “The Best Rock Climbing Site in Yogyakarta”.

2. White Sand Beach

Siung Beach is a type of beach with clean white sand. You can play in the sand, play in the water, swim by the beach, or just relax on the white sand while eating young coconut ice. If you swim, be careful, because the waves are quite big.

3. Up the Hill

If you want to see a better view, walk up the hill to the west or east of the beach. On the hill, the view will be more beautiful and suitable for a photo spot. On this hill, you might see monkeys.

4. Camping

For those of you who want a weekend with a different atmosphere, try camping or camping at Siung Beach. The crashing waves and beautiful night sky on the beach will help you relieve fatigue from your daily routine.

5. Facilities

The facilities at Siung Beach are complete, starting from a large parking area, toilets, prayer room, to stalls. You won’t starve there. But you might have difficulty getting an internet signal, making it difficult to go live on social media.

Siung Beach Ticket Prices

The entrance ticket price for Siung Beach is IDR 10 thousand per person. The motorbike parking fee is IDR 5 thousand and for cars IDR 10 thousand. This price does not include camping. Prices can change at any time.

Location and Route of Siung Beach

Siung Beach is located in Duwet Hamlet, Purwodadi Village, Tepus District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. It is located around 77 km from Jogja City or takes around 2-3 hours.

There are two routes you can use. The first is via the Piyungan, Patuk, Playen, Wonosari route, until crossing Jalan Pantai Selatan and Jalan Pantai Siung. The second route is via the Imogiri, Panggang, Saptosari, Tanjungsari routes, to Jalan Pantai Siung.

Road access to Siung Beach is not easy. Tourists have to go through uphill paths and sharp turns, as well as several narrow roads.

That’s the information about Siung Beach Jogja, starting from the history, attractions, facilities, entrance ticket price, to the location and route. Don’t forget to schedule a holiday here!

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