NGLAMBOR BEACH Universal Aquarium Guarded by a Pair of Giant Turtles

NGLAMBOR BEACH Universal Aquarium Guarded by a Pair of Giant Turtles – The seabed of Nglambor Beach is like a universe aquarium that holds a million charms. Thanks to a pair of “giant turtles” who are able to tame the fierce waves of the Indian Ocean, the underwater panorama on the southern coast can be explored in its beauty.

The ferocious waves on the beaches south of Jogja often make people shudder and reluctant to approach. The waves that come chasing from the vast ocean seem to be racing to keep us from getting close to the water. Unlike the beaches on the more friendly north side of Java, the shores of land that directly greet the vastness of the Indian Ocean are not suitable places to enjoy the fun of swimming in salt water or the thrill of snorkeling to witness the beauty of the underwater panorama with small fish. Until we are forced to settle for playing in the water on the outskirts, where the ocean foam begins to disappear. However, when YogYES visited Nglambor Beach, swimming and snorkeling on the south beach, which previously seemed impossible, could actually be done.

Trekking for about fifteen minutes from the parking lot was YogYES’ choice to end the three-hour bumpy ride in the vehicle. The terrain was too dangerous with steep dipping roads requiring us to walk or hire experienced motorbike taxi services rather than taking the vehicle to the beach alone.

Passing through a gap in the sea pandan ( Pandanus tectorius ) fence , we arrived at the beach. A group of young people wearing bright orange life jackets, complete with other snorkel equipment , looked enthusiastic and couldn’t wait to swim and dive in the shallow waters. The Nglambor Beach area is one of the snorkeling destinations in the southern coastal area of ​​Jogja which has a stunning panoramic view of the seabed with a variety of coral reefs and marine life. Sergeant Major fish, Jambrong and several other small fish are permanent residents who are often seen swimming in groups or playing hide and seek in the crevices of coral reefs.

This beautiful view covered by waves is closely guarded by the people around Nglambor Beach. In fact, this coastal area is a cultivation area for several types of fish as well as a conservation location for coral reefs and other marine biota. The tradition of the Ngalangi sea alms ceremony is also carried out on this beach. “Ngalangi” in Javanese means to hinder or forbid. The community around Nglambor beach prohibits anyone from fishing in the coastal area except once a year, outside the fish spawning season. The fishing process can only be done using a gawar, a kind of net made from the roots of the wawar tree which is staked and thrown together into the sea by the local community.

As if not wanting to be outdone, nature also helps to protect and maintain the beauty of this universal aquarium by ordering two giant coral turtles to patrol the coast. “Watu Kalong” and “Watu Kuntul” bravely tamed the fierce waves so they didn’t hit the shore too hard. The existence of these two giant turtle corals is what keeps the coral reefs of Nglambor Beach from being damaged by the waves, and is also safe for snorkeling .

Wearing snorkel equipment complete with shoes and life jackets, we immediately greeted the residents of the Neritik zone, assisted by one of the guides. Coincidentally, when we came, it was the best time for snorkeling , when the sea water was not yet high but also not too low. There are two snorkel equipment rentals on this beach, Bintang Nglambor Snorkeling (BNS) and Pokdarwis Nglambor Lestari, so we didn’t have to bother bringing equipment from home.

The remains of the south coast waves that have been tamed provide a special sensation when snorkeling at Nglambor Beach. Not infrequently, when we had struggled to swim a little to the middle, the waves dragged us to the edge again. With the skills of a beginner, we dived very carefully so as not to step on the coral reef and damage the seabed ecosystem on this beach. We do not want to add to the threat of damage to coral reefs caused by human activities such as excessive fishing, development of coastal areas and coral bleaching . Because the stunning seabed in front of us took a very long time to dress up to beautify ourselves. If this seabed ecosystem is damaged, the efforts of the local community and the two giant turtles guarding the coast will be in vain. Nglambor Beach and all its inhabitants have spoiled the eyes with all its enchanting natural makeup. As fans, there’s nothing wrong with us taking part in preserving it, together with the local community, to lighten the task of the two giant turtle reefs.

After joking around and taking photos with the fish, the shady coral rocks on the south side of the beach are a great place to rest for a while, enjoying the sea breeze while drying your clothes. Not far from where we sat there was a source of fresh water that gushed from small rock gaps. At first we were surprised to see that there was a source of fresh water on the beach. However, the fresh water phenomenon that appears at Nglambor Beach is apparently due to the existence of a karst tunnel resembling a U-pipe which functions as a groundwater channel, as said by a karst researcher, a climatologist from LIPI.

Lulled by the beach breeze, we didn’t realize the sun was getting higher and our previously wet clothes had dried. We immediately got up, changed into clean clothes and packed our supplies. Now it’s time to say goodbye to the pair of giant turtles and let them continue their beach guard duties as usual.

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