WEDIOMBO BEACH Fishing from Bukit Karang

WEDIOMBO BEACH Fishing from Bukit Karang – Fishing from coral hills to catch big fish is certainly not an ordinary tourist attraction. This experience can be had at Wediombo Beach, along with the experience of tasting Panjo fish and watching the Ngalangi ceremony.

An imagination of vast white sand that allows the eye to freely explore various angles may arise when one hears of a beach called Wediombo ( wedi = sand, ombo = wide). However, actually Wediombo beach does not have that wide expanse of sand. The western and eastern parts of the beach are flanked by coral hills, making this stretch of beach sand not as wide as Parangtritis, Glagah, or perhaps Kuta.

Local residents indeed stated that the name given to this beach by their ancestors did not suit the situation. Some say that this beach is more worthy of the name Ombo Bay, because the condition of the beach resembles a wide bay. There are rocks flanking it, the sea water juts out into the land, but has a wider area than an ordinary bay.

But, apart from the inappropriate name, Wediombo still offers extraordinary beach views. The sea water is still blue, unlike other tourist beaches which have been polluted to the point where the water is green. The white sand is still very well preserved, decorated with shells left by shells. The beach atmosphere is also very calm, far from the hustle and bustle of tourists sunbathing or passing vehicles. The right place to unwind.

Wediombo is located in Jepitu Village, Girisubo District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This beach is very easy to reach if you have previously been to Siung Beach. Just return to the T-junction at Tepus before heading to Siung, then turn right following the road until you find a sign to turn right to go to Wediombo.

The location of this beach is much lower than the surrounding land. You have to climb several dozen steps before you can reach the beach and enjoy the beauty of the panorama. While descending, on either side you can see several local residents’ fields, residential houses and remaining mangrove vegetation. You can also see people passing by carrying grass or caring for livestock in pens.

Apart from the amazing beach panorama, Wediombo also offers a unique, even extreme, tourist experience, namely fishing at the height of a coral hill. Currently, this type of tourism, which originated from the fishing habits of local residents, is popular with hobbyists from the cities of Yogyakarta and Wonogiri. According to what local residents told YogYES, getting large fish is the goal of hobbyists.

It is not easy to fish on coral hills, because they are far from the beach. The coral hill can only be reached after walking east along the shoreline, going up and down the coral on the shore which is steep, slippery and sometimes hit by big waves, then climbing again to the top of the coral hill which directly faces the deep open sea. For those who are used to it, the journey to the coral hill can take an hour.

However, extraordinary results can be reaped after defeating all these obstacles. Local residents said that large fish are often caught by local tourists. At a minimum, anglers will get shark sharks, or panjo fish in local terms. There are currently 2 types of fish that are the same length as a human arm, the gilig (cylindrical) shaped ones which are often found in the dry season, while the flat (flat) ones are found in the rainy season.

For fishing, the only capital is bait in the form of anchovies which can even be found on the beach. Just use a fishing rod or stretch a small net, and you can get the bait. Cheap and easy, right?

For those who don’t have the guts to go to the coral hills, buying caught fish might be quite satisfying. Some residents offer fish cooking services if you want to try it immediately. If not, you can take the fish home raw, but of course it’s quite a hassle.

Panjo fried fish cooking packages are also available. Rice, fried panjo fish that has been sliced ​​into small pieces and raw chili sauce are sold very cheaply. The rice is served in a small basket , while the chili sauce is served in a mortar . The portion is quite large, even for 2 people. YogYES tried this dish at a stall located a few meters above the parking lot. There is also fried sea urchin which tastes similar to chicken.

At certain times, you can see the Ngalangi ceremony held by local residents. This ceremony is held once a year, similar to the big labuhan ceremony, the aim is to express gratitude to God for the gifts given and ask for more good fortune for the future. The gift in question is primarily the result of catching a decent amount of fish, enough to meet one’s needs.

The ceremony procession is quite unique, starting with stretching a gawar or net made from wawar trees. This type of net is said to have been used to catch fish before the string nets used today. Gawar stretches from Kedongkowok hill to the tidal area of ​​the coast. Stretching is done at high tide, the aim is to trap fish carried by the waves so they cannot return to the ocean.

After the water recedes, the fish are taken. The residents were then busy cleaning and cooking the caught fish. A small portion of the fish is returned to the ocean along with rice and offerings. Most of the others are divided according to the number of local residents’ families and delivered to residents’ homes. This event of delivering fish to people’s homes is often called kendurian Besar, a form of local wisdom that all fish is a collective good fortune.

Except for the Ngalangi ceremony, all the charm of the beach can be enjoyed every day. If you want to spend the night or hold an event attended by a small group of people, there is a hut located not far from the stalls that line the beach. It is very exciting and able to make up for tiredness when heading to this beach.

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