Timang Beach: Hidden Paradise on the South Coast of Yogyakarta

Timang Beach: Hidden Paradise on the South Coast of Yogyakarta -Timang Beach – When  PKG YIA friends  hear the word “Jogja”, what comes to your mind?? Surely what comes to your mind is a city that is full of special features with various interesting tourist attractions, right?

Of course,  Yogyakarta  or often called Jogja is a special area and the most favorite tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali, of course it offers various kinds of charming beauty and unique features that make visitors comfortable and will never forget it.

Jogja offers various types of tourism, ranging from cultural, historical, natural tourism to special interest tourism. Because Jogja is known as a favorite tourist destination, of course Jogja offers various kinds of superior tourist attractions which are favorites of tourists, one of which is beach tourism.

This time we will discuss with you friends about the beach which is called a hidden paradise on the south coast, namely Timang Beach.

History of Timang Beach and its charm

Initially, this beach was not a tourist location, Timang Beach was only used by fishermen to look for lobsters around the coast, especially on Timang Island or Watu Panjang. Because this animal is known to live on corals and rocks, it fits perfectly with the topography of Timang Island or Watu Panjang Island.

Because this island is not like most islands which are decorated with shady trees, this island is just a coral rock with rocky cliffs. And to reach the island, local fishermen made a simple gondola to use as a means of transportation for them to cross the ocean.

Timang Island’s fame began when Running Man, which is a famous variety show from South Korea, visited by sending two member representatives. Namely Lee Kwang Soo and Jeon So Min, who arrived around 2017. Then they tried the gondola ride which is known for being extreme, especially when the waves are rough.

Over time, many tourists came to this beach and tried the gondola ride, to get their adrenaline pumping. Timang Beach, which is located on the southern coast of Yogyakarta, is one of the hidden paradises in Indonesia that offers spectacular natural beauty.

With a combination of towering coral cliffs, fierce waves, and small islands scattered around it, Timang Beach offers an unforgettable experience for tourists who visit it. Located about 35 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta, this beach is famous for its amazing natural phenomenon, namely the bamboo suspension bridge that connects the mainland with the isolated Timang Island.

This suspension bridge is known as the “gondola” or “devil’s bridge” by local residents because of the thrilling sensation it offers when crossing it. To reach Timang Island, tourists must take a gondola pulled by a coast guard using a rope. The thrilling sensation and adrenaline that you feel when you are on a gondola with fierce waves and coral cliffs below, makes this experience so unique and unforgettable.

Apart from the gondola, this beach also offers amazing natural views. Soft white sand, towering coral cliffs and waves crashing on the beach create a spectacular view. This beach is also an ideal place for photography lovers with natural beauty that can be immortalized in beautiful frames.

For adventure lovers, Timang Beach also offers an exciting experience by renting a local fishing boat to visit the small islands around the beach. These islands present untouched natural beauty and offer stunning panoramas.

Apart from its natural beauty, Timang Beach is also famous for its marine products, especially lobsters. Lobster Timang is the main dish sought after by tourists visiting this beach. Tourists can enjoy delicious dishes of fresh lobster at affordable prices at food stalls around the beach.

Entrance Ticket

The entry ticket price for Timang Beach is very cheap, namely by paying Rp. 5,000,- only per person.

If you want to try the gondola you have to pay IDR. 150,000,-

Climb the suspension bridge and pay Rp. 100,000,-

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