Bandulu Anyer Beach, one of the main tourist attractions in Serang Banten Regency with beautiful sunsets Sumber Artikel berjudul "Bandulu Anyer Beach, one of the main tourist attractions in Serang Banten Regency with beautiful sunsets", selengkapnya dengan link:

Bandulu Anyer Beach, one of the main tourist attractions in Serang Banten Regency with beautiful sunsets

Bandulu Anyer Beach, one of the main tourist attractions in Serang Banten Regency with beautiful sunsets – Serang Regency does have many tourist attractions like other areas in Banten, one of which is Bandulu Anyer Beach. Serang Regency has a strategic geographical advantage, being right at the tip of the island of Java, and has …

The Beauty of Anyer Beach: Favorite Tourist Attraction in Banten Anyer Beach is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Banten. Its stunning beauty, calm atmosphere, and various facilities available make Anyer Beach a very suitable place for a holiday with family or friends. Anyer Beach has a long coastline and soft white sand, which is perfect for relaxing and playing in the …