Enjoy the Wonders of Nature at Klayar Beach – The charm of Klayar Beach lies not only in its stunning white sand, but also in other natural elements that hold magic and mystery.
The southern coast of East Java holds many charms. One of them is Klayar Beach. Beach tourist destinations are starting to attract the attention of many domestic and foreign tourists. Located in the Pacitan Regency area which is also known as the “City of a Thousand and One Caves”.

This beach does not just offer wide stretches of white sand and clear waves as well as sunset spots . The unique thing about Klayar Beach is that it is surrounded by two coral hills.

Visitors can climb one of the coral hills to enjoy the beautiful view from the viewing post. Here, travelers can see the expanse of white sand, crystal waves breaking on the shoreline, and the uniqueness of giant coral reefs that resemble the Sphinx in Egypt.

The charm of Klayar Beach lies not only in its stunning white sand, but also in other natural elements that hold magic and mystery. Such as Ocean Flutes, natural fountains and waterfalls.

The tourist attraction called the Ocean Flute is a rock hole behind a cliff and makes a sound when sea water and wind penetrate the hole. While emitting sound, the Ocean Flute will also emit water at a height of 10 to 15 meters when the tide is high, giving rise to a fountain on this beach.

Routes and Facilities

How to get there? The location of Klayar Beach is in Sendang Village, Donorojo District, Pacitan Regency, about 40 km west of Pacitan City. For visitors who want to get there by land, there are two alternative routes that can be taken.

From Surabaya

To get to Klayar Beach from Surabaya and its surroundings, you can get there faster if you go via Mojokerto then continue with the Jombang-Kertosono-Nganjuk-Caruban-Madiun-Ponorogo-Pacitan route.

The distance between Surabaya and Pacitan is 350 kilometers. If you use this route guide, visitors can travel non-stop for approximately 7 hours. This travel time includes going to the toilet, eating on the way, and filling up with petrol at gas stations.

From Yogyakarta City

If we start the journey from Yogyakarta, to get to Klayar Beach, visitors can start the route from Jl Malioboro, after meeting the post office intersection, take the left lane and follow the road until you reach Jalan Wonosari, Yogyakarta. After that, follow the road until you reach Piyungan-Pathuk-Wonosari-Pracimantoro-Giribelah-Punung and then we arrive at Klayar Beach.

The travel time from Yogyakarta City to Klayar Beach takes approximately 3.5 hours. Maybe even less, if we start the journey from Wonosari, Yogyakarta we only need 2.5 hours to arrive at Klayar Beach.

Meanwhile, entrance tickets to Klayar Beach are very affordable for the public. Only around tens of thousands of rupiah. This beach is managed by the Pacitan Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Department (Disparpora). Around the beach there are also several homestay class accommodations available .

Apart from enjoying the beauty of the beach, there are also many exciting activities that can be done at Klayar Beach. Visitors can explore the beautiful coral cliffs to see the overall view of the beach. Apart from that, ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) rental is also available. Visitors can explore the beach by renting an ATV. This location can also be used for camping while grilling fish.

One thing, Klayar Beach has the same location as Indrayanti Beach, which is in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. Namely, as part of the beach in the south of Java Island.

Just like other coastlines in the south of Java, Klayar Beach also has irregular, very strong waves with large rolls. For this reason, when you and your family are visiting this beach, continue to follow the instructions or signs posted at every vulnerable spot around the beach.

Apart from Klayar Beach, Pacitan also has several other interesting tourist attractions that you can visit. These tourist attractions include Watu Karang Beach, Kasap Beach, Banyu Tibo Beach, Buyutan Beach, Srau Beach, and Gong Cave.

The variety of beautiful beaches makes Pacitan a paradise for nature lovers and tourists who want to enjoy extraordinary natural beauty.

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