Beach Baron, Its uniqueness become Power pull separately

Beach Baron, Its uniqueness become Power pull separately – Gunung Kidul has many beauties, one of which is its range of beautiful beaches. Baron Beach is one of several beaches in the Gunung Kidul area. Enjoying the cool beach air and the beautiful expanse of blue water will certainly make us feel relaxed and fresh, fellow travelers.

What is the beauty of Baron Beach like? Read this article until the end! Don’t forget to also read ” Jogja Beach Tours that must be visited “.

Baron Beach Tourist Attraction

The characteristics of the sand on Baron beach tend to be blackish brown, like in Parangtritis. Even though it is in a bay position, the waves here are quite big. One of the unique things about this beach is the presence of salt and fresh water sources from the river on the beach.

At first glance, the sea water looks like it is flowing rapidly towards the sea, but what is surprising is that the water tastes fresh, not salty. There is another unique thing about this beach, namely, every 5 years the direction of the sea water current on the beach changes direction from the east and then flows to the sea.

You can swim at this beach. However, if you don’t have enough courage, you can play in the underground river. Considering the large waves typical of the south coast, visitors must comply with swimming not exceeding the limit determined by the management.

The charm of the beach will look even more beautiful if you climb the cliff to the east. You can see the beauty of the entire beach from the top of the cliff. There is a lighthouse which functions as navigation for ships.

The lighthouse is also one of visitors’ favorite spots for taking selfies. This is because from the top of the lighthouse the view will be very beautiful.

It’s not just the eastern cliffs that deserve attention. Because to the west there is something even more interesting, namely Baron Techno Park, which is a power plant using natural energy.

In order to get to the Baron Techno Park power plant, you can take the route before the beach area levy post, from that area there is a fork in the road uphill, follow that route and you will reach the location of the power plant.

If you go to Baron Beach, you don’t need to worry that it will be difficult to find food, because this beach has lots of culinary stalls with various kinds of processed seafood such as fish, shrimp, lobster and crab. The dishes here are certainly rich in nutrition. So you are obliged to try it.

Location & Route

Located in Rejosari, Kemadang, District. Tanjungsari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region ( maps ). There are several routes to get there if you come from Yogyakarta, namely:

Via Piyungan

Patuk-Sambipitu-Bunder Forest-Bundaran Tugu BPD, Jl. Lingkar Selatan-Jl. Girisubo-Wonosari- Jl. Saptosari-Tepus-Pantai Baron

Via Imogiri

Panggang-Jl. Saptosari-Tepus-Follow the direction to Baron Beach

If you are coming from outside the city, you can go towards the Giwangan terminal, from the intersection take the south direction towards Imogiri. From there you will see directions to Gunung Kidul. Follow where Baron beach leads

How about you?? You should stop by here too, OK? Oh yes… there is also accommodation here that you can rent to be more satisfied enjoying the beauty of Baron Beach.

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