Lau Kawar Lake, Beautiful Charm Near the Peak of Mount Sinabung

Jakarta – North Sumatra offers truly beautiful natural beauty. The charm of the lake is an attraction that attracts tourists.

One of the lakes in North Sumatra is Lau Kawar. Even though it is not as popular as Lake Toba, its charm is no less interesting

Attraction of Lake Lau Kawar

Lau Kawar Lake has blue water and covers an area of ​​around 200 hectares. Here are some of the attractions found in this lake.

1. Camping Ground

Tourists can camp around the lake. Quoting the website of the Karo Regency Tourism and Culture Office, on the edge of the lake, a 3 hectare area stretches as a camping location.

2. Natural Beauty

Lau Kawar Lake is at an altitude of 2,451 meters above sea level. According to the Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport website, its size is smaller than Lake Toba Even so, Lake Lau Kawar has a beautiful atmosphere with lots of green trees at the foot of the mountain. So its beauty is no less than Lake Toba.

3.Karo Traditional House

Tourists can also see the splendor of Karo traditional houses that are hundreds of years old around the road to this lake. Quoting one travel agent’s page, there are also lively and colorful traditional Karo art and dance performances.

4.Typical Culinary

Tourists can taste typical Batak culinary delights around the lake. Among the typical foods that can be tasted are saksang, gomak noodles and arsik fish.

Location of Lake Lau Kawar

Lau Kawar Lake is located at the foot of Mount Sinabung, Naman Teran District, North Sumatra. The distance from the city of Berastagi to this tourist attraction is approximately 27 km. So it can be reached by four-wheeled vehicle

Lau Kawar Lake Ticket Prices 

According to one travel agent website, the entrance ticket to Lake Lau Kawar is IDR 15,000. Meanwhile, parking costs IDR 5,000

Lau Kawar Lake Facilities 

The facilities available for tourists at Lau Kawar Lake are quite complete. Quoting one of the travel agent pages, the following includes:

  • Parking lot
  • Toilet and bathroom
  • Camping ground
  • Tent rental
  • Worship place
  • Security post and health post
  • Food stalls and kiosks
  • Lodging and homestays

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