Hundreds of Tourists Crowded Santai Beach, Visitors: The Ocean View is Very Beautiful

Hundreds of Tourists Crowded Santai Beach, Visitors: The Ocean View is Very Beautiful – AMBON, – Hundreds of tourists crowded the Santai Beach tourist attraction located in Nusaniwe Village, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, Sunday (21/4/2024). monitoring at around 15.00 WIT at the location, hundreds of visitors ranging from children to adults were seen having an outing on the fine white sandy beach.

It seems they came with family, relatives, friends and also lovers.

The beauty of the beach with the charm of the blue ocean is increasingly pleasing to the eye.

The swaying palm trees add to the beauty of the beach atmosphere.

There are visitors who just enjoy the beach atmosphere accompanied by the gentle breeze, there are also those who enjoy swimming and taking selfies to capture holiday moments.

At Santai Beach , visitors can enjoy culinary rujak and young coconut ice at affordable prices.

Rujak is sold for Rp. 20 thousand per portion, while to freshen your throat with young coconut ice, Tribunners only need to spend Rp. 10 thousand.

One of the visitors, Bourkly Liecezter Pattirane, said that the Santai Beach tourist attraction was very clean and beautiful. This is the main attraction for visiting tourists.

“So on this beach, the beach is clean and many tourists come here because the beach is good,” he said in an interview with, Sunday (21/4/2024).

He continued, visitors can also rent swimming pillows or go around the ocean using a rental boat.

Swimming on the fine sandy beach is one of the best ways to enjoy a holiday at Santai Beach .

“And we can also rent swimming pillows, we can rent a boat and we can swim while enjoying the beauty of the ocean,” he said.

Apart from that, one of the Coast Guards, Deki Talahoka admitted that although hundreds of tourists visited, the number was starting to decline.

“Today’s visitors are not too many, only around 350 people,” he said.

It was also explained that tourist visits during the Eid holiday this year were not as high as in previous years.

“Visitors during the Eid holiday yesterday were also not very prominent, slightly decreasing compared to previous years,” said Talahoka.

Visitors are charged an entrance fee of Rp. 5000 per person.

Meanwhile, parking fees are free, meaning there is no charge.

“Entry tickets per person, both children and adults, are all the same Rp. 5,000. There is no charge for parking for two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles,” he concluded.

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