The Charm of Nampu Beach Wonogiri, Here are the Attractions, Access, and Entrance Ticket Prices

The Charm of Nampu Beach Wonogiri, Here are the Attractions, Access, and Entrance Ticket Prices

The Charm of Nampu Beach Wonogiri, Here are the Attractions, Access, and Entrance Ticket Prices – Everyone has different tourist destinations. There are those who want to visit the mountains to climb, to recreation areas, to historical places, and there are also those who want to visit the beach. For those who like the sea, …

Lampuuk Beach Tourism which has Recovered from Tsunami Trauma

Lampuuk Beach Tourism which has Recovered from Tsunami Trauma

Lampuuk Beach Tourism which has Recovered from Tsunami Trauma -When the tsunami occurred, the beach which was approximately 15 kilometers from Banda Aceh was one of those that experienced quite serious damage. Lampuuk Beach was one of the tourist attractions in Aceh Besar before the 2004 tsunami occurred. This beach is always busy with visitors, …

The beauty of the white sandy Laguna Beach

The beauty of the white sandy Laguna Beach

The beauty of the white sandy Laguna Beach –Bengkulu – For friends who are going home to Kaur Regency and its surroundings, it wouldn’t be complete if you haven’t visited Ujung Lancang which is located in Merpas Village, Nasal sub-district, known as Laguna Samudera Beach, Kaur Regency, which is a beach that has the attraction of …

Exploring the Beauty of Manula Beach: An Exotic Touch on the Kaur Coast

Exploring the Beauty of Manula Beach: An Exotic Touch on the Kaur Coast – Manula Beach , which shows itself in its brilliance in Kaur Regency, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by nature lovers and travelers. Directly facing the Indian Ocean, this beach offers stunning panoramas and an unforgettable experience for anyone who visits. …

Enjoy the beauty of Berkas Bengkulu Beach in the afternoon

Enjoy the beauty of Berkas Bengkulu Beach in the afternoon

Enjoy the beauty of Berkas Bengkulu Beach in the afternoon – KBRN, Bengkulu: The city of Bengkulu is famous for Panjang Beach, because it is up to 7 kilometers long stretching from Pasir Putih to Bengkulu Market. However, apart from Panjang Beach, Bengkulu still has many other beaches that are no less beautiful to visit. …

Portrait of the Beauty of Jikumerasa Beach on Buru Island, Maluku

Portrait of the Beauty of Jikumerasa Beach on Buru Island, Maluku

Portrait of the Beauty of Jikumerasa Beach on Buru Island, Maluku -Jikumerasa Beach is a tourist destination on Buru Island, Maluku and is one of the famous tourist attractions. If you are visiting Maluku, don’t miss this interesting destination which offers beautiful views that are guaranteed to leave anyone amazed. Located in Jikumerasa Village, you …

The charm of the Holy River, a beach in Bengkulu that is similar to Tanah Lot, Bali

The charm of the Holy River, a beach in Bengkulu that is similar to Tanah Lot, Bali

The charm of the Holy River, a beach in Bengkulu that is similar to Tanah Lot, Bali – Bengkulu –Hearing the name Holy River, what comes to your mind, you? Yes, maybe this is a river tour. However, the Holy River is actually the name of a beach in Central Bengkulu. What’s interesting is that the …

The charm of Way Hawang Kaur Beach Tourism Still Attracts Visitors

The charm of Way Hawang Kaur Beach Tourism Still Attracts Visitors

The charm of Way Hawang Kaur Beach Tourism Still Attracts Visitors -KAUR – Entering the fourth Eid of Shawwal 1445 Hijriah, the Way Hawang Beach tourist attraction located in Way Hawang Village, Maje District, Kaur Regency, was busy with visitors from within the Kaur Regency area as well as outside the Regency and Province. Like Lampung …