The cold city of Berastagi


Indonesia has a large sea area and 81% of its waters are warm. That’s why Indonesia has a tropical climate. Unlike other countries whose seasons vary, such as winter, autumn or spring, our country only has two seasons, namely the rainy season and summer.

Talking about climate, temperature is definitely part of the discussion. Basically, temperatures can change, depending on the season. Temperatures will also vary in each region. For example, in coastal areas with warm waters, the temperature is stable at 28 degrees Celsius, inland and mountainous areas at 26 degrees Celsius, and in higher mountain areas at 23 degrees Celsius.

That’s the reality, low temperatures in Indonesia are still in the range of 20 degrees Celsius. So, children who often hope for snow to fall in Indonesia will only be greeted by disappointment. However, despite this, Indonesia has several areas that fall into the cold to below average temperature category. One of them is Berastagi, North Sumatra.

Causes of Cold Temperatures in Berastagi

Berastagi is part of the highlands and is an area with cold temperatures. Supposedly, the higher an area, the closer it is to the sun, but why does it have a higher temperature than the lowlands, huh?

It turns out that scientifically, the distance between a place on earth and the sun cannot be used as a benchmark for measuring temperature. The reason that influences the temperature of an area to be cold or hot is air pressure.

Well, cold temperatures in mountainous areas are caused by low air pressure and air density. Thus, air molecules spread more easily and their movement becomes slower. There is less heat so cold dominates.

In other words, it can be concluded that the higher above the earth’s surface, the lower the air pressure. On the other hand, lowlands have higher air pressure.

Berastagi is located between Mount Sibayak and Mount Sinabung, North Sumatra. Administratively, it is still within the scope of Karo Regency. It is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level. So, don’t be surprised anymore about Berastagi which can have cold temperatures.
Air Terjun Sikulikap

The average air temperature range is below 20 degrees Celsius. Then, supported by its geographical conditions which are located in the Barisan Mountains area, the average annual temperature of Berastagi reaches 18 degrees Celsius. In fact, the coldest temperature can reach 9 degrees Celsius, especially during the rainy season.

Holiday to Berastagi

As the coldest city in North Sumatra, Berastagi can be used as a holiday destination for people whose homes have hotter temperatures. For the people of Jakarta and its surroundings there is Puncak Bokor to take a break from the hustle and bustle and air pollution, then the peak for the people of Medan and its surroundings is Berastagi.There are lots of activities that can be done there, suitable for all ages. Holidays with family are highly recommended. Friends, you can rent a villa so you can spend a few days enjoying the cool and fresh air.

The most prominent thing about Berastagi is its markets which are always busy. There is a part that is the center of community trade in Berastagi. Starting from the flowers, vegetables and fruit sold at the Berastagi market, they are fresher.

Apart from spending time at the villa, tourists should also visit Gundaling Hill, the milk press, strawberry garden, orange garden, or you can also go to the Mikie Funland playground. Friends, you won’t regret it if you visit!

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