KRAKAL BEACH Welcome the Barrel at Krakal Beach

KRAKAL BEACH Welcome the Barrel at Krakal Beach – Krakal Beach has long been famous as one of the beaches at the southern tip of Jogja which has extraordinary beauty. The coastline is sloping and sprinkled with white sand with clear waves crashing. Coral rocks dot most of the shoreline, providing a home for colorful reef fish. Yellow damselfish with blue accents on their backs, butterflyfish with dark blue and light blue stripes, and a group of small, bright blue fish swimming between the rocks . The legs of the black starfish stick out from behind the rock where they are hiding.

Bored of playing on the beach? Try walking wading off the coast. A row of coral rocks protrude to the surface and line up lengthwise as if to form a path in the ocean. Don’t forget to wear footwear considering the sharpness of these coral rocks. Several fishermen passed by, looking for a strategic place to throw fishing rods. Others enjoy diving in the shallow sea to look for umbal , a type of small sea animal that lives attached to rocks. By local residents, this umbal is then processed into delicious peanut brittle .

Apart from having exotic beauty, Krakal apparently hides waves that are suitable for surfing. Surfers have to walk to a row of rocks off the coast to then face the reef break type waves which are quite challenging. The seabed is dominated by coral so surfers have to be extra careful. The dry season between March and September is the best time to wait for barrels at Krakal.

Even though it is located about 2 hours by car from Jogja, the road access to Krakal Beach is quite good and flat. Rows of food stalls and several hotels can also be found quite easily around the beach, making it easier for those of you who want to stay overnight while waiting for the best waves for surfing. However, surfing is not a type of sport that is quite popular among local residents. You have to bring your own surf board because there are no surfboard rental places here.


  • Wave Quality Rating: 5
  • Type of Wave: Reef Break
  • Direction of Wave: Right and Left
  • Bottom: Reef
  • Difficulty: Intermediate, Advanced
  • Crowd Level: Empty
  • Hazards: Reef, Sea Urchin, Jellyfish

General Description:

Krakal Coastline is dominated by sharp coral , so it is not easy to reach the surf spots . The waves are quite good, especially during the dry season (between March and September) which allows the creation of barrels .

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